Lighting… The Great Unknown

As I discussed in my first post, the major reason why I decided to create this blog is because I had so much trouble finding information on the Internet regarding marine and reef aquariums.  This was particularly true for lighting.  I knew I needed better lighting to support corals and other invertebrates, but from there […]

The First Fish

As discussed earlier, reef aquariums don’t always have fish in them.  But for me, fish are a must.  I like the look of the live corals and other invertebrates, but I like to have fish as well.  After all, part of the point is to have fish as pets, to feed daily, and to take […]

Why a Reef?

Like I mentioned before, my original plan was to restart the aquarium as just marine fish.   So what happened? For those that aren’t familiar with the terminology, a reef aquarium is primarily focused on corals, anemones, sponges and other types of marine invertebrates.  They don’t move, at least not on their own, but they are […]

Initial Setup

The aquarium itself is a 46 gallon bow front.  It’s 3 feet wide, 18 inches tall, and about a foot deep. My wife wanted a substrate that looks like small shells, so we went with that.  I didn’t do anything fancy like Dr Jaubert’s Method – just 2 inches of substrate on the bottom of […]

Where to Begin (or How Did I Get Here)?

I’ve had aquariums of one kind or another off and on since college.  About 3 years ago my family and I decided to try a marine aquarium.  I’ve had friends that had reef aquariums around 10 years ago.  They told me at the time that reef aquariums were very difficult, requiring a lot of patience […]