Lighting… The Great Unknown

As I discussed in my first post, the major reason why I decided to create this blog is because I had so much trouble finding information on the Internet regarding marine and reef aquariums.  This was particularly true for lighting.  I knew I needed better lighting to support corals and other invertebrates, but from there […]

The First Fish

As discussed earlier, reef aquariums don’t always have fish in them.  But for me, fish are a must.  I like the look of the live corals and other invertebrates, but I like to have fish as well.  After all, part of the point is to have fish as pets, to feed daily, and to take […]

Why we purchased a fishtank !

I was talking to our 5 year old son one day.  He was very sad because we had to put our Beagle Rocky to sleep.  He had arthritis so severe he had started chewing his leg to the bone.  I was trying to figure out a way to help him not miss Rocky so much.  I said, […]

Why a Reef?

Like I mentioned before, my original plan was to restart the aquarium as just marine fish.   So what happened? For those that aren’t familiar with the terminology, a reef aquarium is primarily focused on corals, anemones, sponges and other types of marine invertebrates.  They don’t move, at least not on their own, but they are […]

Initial Setup

The aquarium itself is a 46 gallon bow front.  It’s 3 feet wide, 18 inches tall, and about a foot deep. My wife wanted a substrate that looks like small shells, so we went with that.  I didn’t do anything fancy like Dr Jaubert’s Method – just 2 inches of substrate on the bottom of […]